Cameron Farmers – On the road to a prosperous Malaysian economy

In every economy, fishermen and farmers play a crucial role. Vegetables and seafood are an important part of Malaysian cuisine and diet. In tune with this, the Cameron Farmers have ensured fresh produce reaches its customers on a daily basis and in a speedy manner. Cameron Farmers is made up of a seafood supplier, two vegetable farmers and a home Nyonya paste maker. Since collaborating with Lazada Malaysia in March of 2020, the institution is able to offer more fresh vegetables and fast.

Significance of fresh vegetables in our diet

Today, most of us understand the need for a healthy and balanced diet. Those who include fruits and vegetables in their diet are more likely to have good health and weight levels. Vegetables are known to provide vital nutrients for the maintenance of your health and body. They are also a vital source of several nutrients, vitamin A, vitamin C, folate, fiber, and so much more. In fact, there are studies that have shown veggies can improve circulation and change skin pigmentation. This essentially means better blood circulation to the skin which eventually means a facial glow.

Vegetables can also ward off aging signs, can keep your skin firm as well as wrinkle free. Another study in New Zealand found that more intake of fresh vegetables helps in feeling calm, energized, and happy. More veggies mean good mental well-being too. So, whenever you feel down, gorging on veggies may be a good idea. Vitamins, minerals, fiber, as well as antioxidants in vegetables help in improving immunity, circulation, digestive health, mood, insulin regulation, and blood sugar. All this in turn relates to feeling more energized and lighter.

So, if you are planning to make a breakfast smoothie with fruit, kale or spinach then maybe Cameron Farmers is the answer. A veggie loaded omelet with fruits on the side is great too. For lunch, a stir fry with all mixed vegetables with some brown rice and sesame seeds just sounds so yum. A salad with lots of greens and vegetables, maybe some chicken, or salmon, topped up by chickpeas or quinoa sounds not only healthy, but extremely tasty too.

Make Cameron Farmers a part of your daily life and diet

Cameron Farmers has all kinds of fresh vegetables on offer like – cabbage, corn, eggplant, spring onion, lemongrass, chilly, potato, beans, carrot, tomato, and so much more. These vegetables may be sold as packs in different combinations or are sold individually. If you need something for a stir fry dish, or a salad, you already have a bunch of vegetables put together. All the produce is wrapped in fresh and qualitative newspaper and plastic and is placed in ventilated boxes till it reaches the customers. Quality and hygiene are utmost in their mind. So, if you would like fresh vegetables delivered directly at home, please try Cameron Farmers.